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Grow Your Own Medicines

Here are articles on growing two very important natural medicines:  Artemisia A3 which has probably saved more lives than any other plant and Moringa which is grown widely for nutrition in both Africa and Asia.  If you look up Moringa on the internet you will find you will often see it called the super food of super foods. 

There are numerous healing plants you can grow at home.  Most modern medicines are derived from plants and in many cases using the whole plant is atleast as successfully as purchasing expensive medicines.
I have been growing Artemisia A3 in North Vancouver, Canada for a number of years.  You will see on the Artemisia A3 they show using water to root cuttings, I find putting the cutting directly in soil, which you keep wet for the first few days, works just as well and saves a step.  I try to start a few cuttings every month so I always have plants to share with others.  Over the winter they have to be kept inside in our climate.
Download the Stop Malaria with Artemisia flyer.
In the greater Vancouver area our society can supply Artemisia A3 plant to you otherwise you can buy an Artemisia A3 starter kit from Anamed Germany see Buy Tea, Plants and Educational Materialson this website.

If you are in an area with frost you have to grow moringa inside.  I have plants that should thrive in a pot available in the Vancouver area.  I buy seeds for Dwarf Moringa from
Download this for more information about Moringa